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  • Writer's pictureSimon Webb

Tutorial - How to create Driver Users in Tarot

Driver Users are accounts for your drivers in Tarot that allow them to access their assigned Runs from the Tarot Driver App. Even if your Drivers don't login to access their Runs, creating Driver Users is a great way to manage and track which Driver or Contractor drove what Run. This Tutorial will detail how to create a Driver User in Tarot and assign them as the default driver.

Create a Driver User in Tarot

With an account that has permissions to create users (e.g. Warehouse Manager), navigate to the Admin panel > Transport Management > Driver Users.

Tarot Routing Driver Users Admin Panel

Hit the Plus button in the top right hand corner to create a new Driver User.

Add a Driver User

Fill out driver details and hit save to create the Driver User. If you have Hauliers set up you should set the Haulier or Contractor the driver works for as the Organisation.

That's it, Done!!!

Pro Tip: If your drivers don't have email addresses you can use a functional id, e.g. however setting up Driver Users in this way will prevent password reset.

Assign Driver User and Default Driver

Now you have created a Driver User you can set them as the Default Driver. When set, after an Optimisation has finished and Runs are created, the Default Driver User will be automatically set as the Driver of the Run.

To set the Driver User navigate to the Drivers Panel (either in the Admin panel or in a Scenario in the Planning stage)

Edit a Driver in the Admin panel

Edit a Driver and add a Default Driver User from the Drop down

Add Default Driver User to a Driver Profile

Now, any Run that is created will be automatically assigned to this Driver User for Dispatch.

The Dispatch Modal

If they are not working, e.g. day off or sick, you can always assign a different Driver User to the Run from the Dispatch Modal. This will only change the person driving the Run for that specific Scenario, tomorrow it will return to the Default Driver User.

Changing Driver User in the Dispatch Modal

And that's it, with Driver Users created and now assigned to Runs created by default you are in a much better place to track their hours worked and KMs driven. As always if you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out to the Tarot Team.

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